Innovative physiotherapy & mobility specialist services in Saskatoon
experience a unique approach to Physiotherapy
Feel like you’ve tried everything?
we are here to help
Scroll down to see what a session with us is like in Saskatoon.

Experience Longevity
What to Expect During an Appointment at Longevity:
Relaxed (Not Rushed) Sessions
It is very important to us that you do not feel like your physiotherapy appointments are rushed! We recognize that having adequate time with your physiotherapist is crucial to your success. You can expect appointment lengths that allow us to meet your needs and do so with a relaxed pace so you don’t feel rushed out the door. We dedicate a minimum of 60-90 minutes in our schedule for each client to ensure that you get the time, attention, and care that you need and deserve both during and outside of your appointment times.
Time to Get to Know You
Your physiotherapy will begin with your physiotherapist greeting you at the door, walking you to the treatment room, and discussing what brought you in along with how we can help you best. You can expect your physiotherapist to seek to understand your ailments, history, goals, and how we can best help you.
Detailed Assessment
With your consent, we will proceed with a physiotherapy assessment to establish a baseline and do some investigating. If you consent (this is optional), we will take photos and videos throughout the assessment that will be securely - and exclusively - saved to your chart. This offers us a baseline to compare back to over time. Your physiotherapist may also show you what they see in the photos to give you a chance to see what is happening. We may also take measurements and perform orthopaedic tests.
Creating a Plan WITH You
After the assessment, you can expect a discussion about the assessment findings and recommended courses of action as they relate to your goals. We will discuss any recommended interventions and/or exercises along with what these entail, how they will help you, and any risks/rewards of going this route. Together, you and your physiotherapist will decide how to move forward.
The intervention is often in the form of movement, mobility work, targeted exercises, etc. Manual (hands-on) interventions are used as needed and only when indicated. If there is a way to get the same outcome actively by yourself at home - we will show you how to promote and minimize the frequency that you need to come in to see us. If we expect a change by the end of the session, we may revisit previous tests to see if (or how much) change occurred.
Knowledge Acquisition
We reserve time in our physiotherapy sessions to help you understand “what” we found in the assessment, “why” we chose each exercise/intervention, and exactly “how” it will help you. It's our job to ensure that when you leave our office, you feel confident that you understand what you are doing, why you are doing it, and how doing these things will serve you.
Personalized Programs + Videos
To help set you up for success, you will receive a physiotherapy program from us (via email) on the same day as your session. This program will include detailed instructions and videos that your physiotherapist will film for you to walk you through every exercise you reviewed together in the clinic. You will also find specific instructions for sets/reps/frequency and an (optional) tracking sheet to help with habit formation. At the end of the day you will spend more time at home than you will in our office, so we do our best to help set you up for success at home.
Between Session Support + Communication
At the end of your session, your physiotherapist will recommend if or when you come in next and how you and your physiotherapist can best communicate between appointments should you have any questions or need any support.
One Hour Follow Up Sessions
In our experience we have found that spending a full hour with our physiotherapy clients allows us to best meet our client’s needs and offer the best experience that we possibly can. One hour follow-up appointments offer adequate time for us to hear any updates that you have, re-assess you, compare to previous visits to monitor change, use the assessment findings to determine the next/best course of action for you, cover everything we need to, and answer all of your questions. Shorter appointments are also available for those who need them.
If your health insurance policy covers physiotherapy then your physiotherapy appointments with us will be eligible for this coverage! Contact your insurance provider to find out if you are covered for physiotherapy and how much coverage you have.
Please note that we do not work with or for WCB or SGI in Saskatchewan and therefore we do not offer treatment through WCB or SGI.
Therapist Filmed Home Instruction
Your physiotherapist will spend extra time outside of your session filming videos to coach you through every exercise they give you at home.
While we enjoy spending time with our clients and reserve an entire hour to spend with them, we don’t want clients to have to come see us more than they need to. We go the extra mild to set clients up for independence and success at home by sending personalized programs, videos, and resources to each client.
The body has an incredible ability to improve its capacity and heal itself when properly guided via appropriate biological and physiological principles.
Appointments are one hour in length and you will receive personalized videos filmed for you by your physiotherapist with additional resources to help guide you at home.
This client centered approach to physiotherapy is rooted in scientific evidence. It isn’t easy, but it will improve the health and longevity of your body.
Learn how to improve the mobility, health, and longevity of your joints while offsetting degenerative conditions like osteoarthritis.
This comprehensive 2-3 hour exam will give you a complete picture of each joint’s current baseline which is then compared the demands of those joints (what you need your body to be able to do based on your lifestyle & goals). You’ll receive a detailed program that closes the gap between where your joints are now and where you need them to be.
Longevity Physical Therapy is proud to be Saskatoon’s local Functional Range Systems™ provider
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Contact a Physiotherapist
Just let us know how we can help you via the form below and a physiotherapist will respond to your inquiry and assist you as soon as possible!